Sarah's Chonburi Pictures 23rd January 2008.

OK folks .. you'll need to use your "back button" to return to this page if you decide to click the thumb nails.

Day 7 post op ..  the day the packing came out and I  was discharged from hospital .. this was going to be an eventful day one way or another.

My first dilation in hospital on the morning of the day I was released. I wasn't sure about posting this, but hey, you really can't see anything under the infamous blue band. Dr Suporn had taken the packing out, which formed a mountain between him and I,  he then covered Thai boyfriend No.2 with a condom, lubricated it and slid it in .. pronouncing the depth he had achieved for me, measured of  course in "Thai inches" .. the inch marks on Suporn clinic dilators are well known for over reading depth. The silk screening on mine isn't accurately placed, and the inch scale is inaccurate .. Thai inches are only 25.14 mm long. The centimetre scale is accurate, but it's position is also subject to a little misplacement. Silk-screening is a science and these inaccuracies  show something .. but I won't say what's in my mind.

Well here is another use for hair clips. First night back in the hotel, I had two pairs of knickers to wash and dry .. I took out 5 hair clips like this .. I had 4 on the shower curtain rail some days. This was room 701, the first room I had till the insecticide issue, the shower is on the left hand side in this room.

Pictures .... day 13....

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